Monday, March 17, 2008

Another vintage find

Another vintage find
Originally uploaded by redmag

Thanks to the wonderful nanette - who kindly reminded me that the YMCA garage sale was on Saturday - I had a great day of op-shopping on the weekend. This was one of the finds - an old curtain which must have used internally because it isnt sun damaged....I also got another crocheted lap blanket ( you never have too many! Although when you say that out loud when its 33 degrees outside it doesnt sound very convincing), two vintage ties (both in fabulous orangey, browny paisley patterns), a couple of metres of a blue and green fabric which I'll show you all down the track and a book for the little boy - all for $10!

Also my treasury was on the front page of etsy some time today - I didnt see it but the comments seem to suggest that it was there which was nice. I've always wondered if having your treasury on the front page is worth it for the curator - I dont think it is really, I didnt seem to get many views - so mystery solved!

1 comment:

seldom said...

Hi! Great curtain score! Thanks for your comment - its nice to know people are reading, especially when I've had such a long break! Hopefully you're feeling a bit better about your lap blanket purchase now that the weather has cooled down a bit :)