Monday, May 19, 2008

Waiting for a train

Waiting for a train
Originally uploaded by redmag

This was taken in a train station in India back in January 2005. I love visiting India; I love the colours and the movement. I went to India before I went to Europe. Mumbai with its British influenced architecture, green cricket fields and double decker red buses seemed like a fantasy London built in the tropics to me.

Anyway.... I love that travelling in India is paradoxically all about waiting around.

This photo captures all of that for me and that’s why I've decided to start my waiting journey here.

I'd love it if you'd wait along with me… leave a comment if you decide to join in so that I can see too.

1 comment:

Goddess Leonie * said...

Hi there! Just found you via Canberra's Got Style blog... I'm a fellow Canberra creative soul at :)

Loved your picture... just went to India for a month in November and it was an incredible, magical, perplexing experience... as I'm totally sure you know about :)

Anywho, I just wanted to say a big *hello* ~ maybe we should have a get together of all the Canberra Creative Souls sometime!

Bright blessings,