Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A new design

A new design
Originally uploaded by redmag

I'm trying to make a giraffe.
It's based on a wooden giraffe I saw in a photo online somewhere- I cant find the picture anymore so this is based on a fleeting memory.

I've always been drawn to wooden designs - my dad is a capenter and i think i absorbed a fascination from making wood not look like wood from him.

I'm not sure if you can tell from the picture but its three separate pieces - one head neck bit and two body-legs bits and they're all held together with bottons at the front - so the giraffe can bend its neck.

I think he's quite nice for a first attempt - I still need to add a second ear and I'm going to make over his face - he doesnt look right. I'll show you how he turn's out.

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